Right Digits
The number of digits shown after the decimal place is referred to as the right
digits. To make the measurement read 10.12 rather than 10.12345, set the right
digits to 2. Note that MONITOR will round to the requested number of digits
before logging the data.
Multiple Measurements Using the Same Sensor
Feel free to setup multiple measurements with the same input. For example, to
log the daily rainfall and the rainfall during the last hour, setup two
measurements: one a precip rate with an interval of one hour, and another as
precip rate with an interval of one day.
To log the daily temperature as well as the hourly temperature, only one sensor is
needed. Setup two measurements with the same setup, except for the
easurement Interval
and the A
veraging Time
and use a different
for each.
One would happen once a day (
measurement interval
24 hours, averaging interval
24 hours), and the other once an hour (measurement interval 1 hour, averaging
time 1 hour). It would be a good idea to setup the sampling Interval to one minute
for both sensors in order to save power (see section on
If two separate measurements are scheduled to measure the same sensor at the
same time (as they will in the examples above), only one reading of the sensor is
made and the result is shared by both measurements.
Measurement Types
Measurement Type
setting will determine what kind of measurement is made.
Each of the different types will unlock other settings. For example, choosing
as the
Measurement Type
will unlock the
Analog Type
Below are listed all the
Measurement Types
Precip Accumulation
Precip Rate
Connection: Tipping bucket type sensor connected to
terminals 6-7
MONITOR can be setup with a tipping bucket in order to measure rainfall.
Precipitation accumulation is used to tally the total amount of precipitation since
the station has powered up. Count is set to zero whenever the station resets.
Precipitation rate, unlike precipitation accumulation, measures the precipitation
that has occurred since the last measurement. So, if the measurement interval is
15 minutes, this measurement will report the rainfall in the last 15 minutes only.
Feel free to setup multiple measurements with the same input. For example, if
you wanted to know the daily rainfall and the rainfall during the last hour, setup