MONITOR will output data of every active measurement when it is measured
according to the user set
Measurement Interval
. For example, if you
setup a battery voltage reading to be made once every minute, auto-output will
place fresh battery data on the port once a minute. If multiple measurements are
active, they will all be output every time new data is available for any
The data output is ASCII. This is an example of the output for two
46.3, 33.2
46.3, 33.0
46.4, 32.1
46.4, 30.0
Baud Rate
This setting configures the baud rate for serial communications. The range is from
9600 to 115200 bps with the data bits fixed at 8, the parity set to N (none) and the
stop bits set to 1. Please see the section on
Command Line
for more details.
Hardware Flow Ctrl
This setting enables hardware flow control (handshaking) for serial
communications. If enabled Monitor uses the CTS and RTS lines on the RS232.
Please see the section on
Command Line
for more details.
Whole Setup Defaults
Selecting this option will return the unit to factory defaults. This is a complete
erasing of the setup. All measurement and other setup will be lost. This option
does not erase the log. You may access this via command line by typing
or by using the menu
Station Setup->Other Setup->Whole Station