Shenzhen SUNSKY Technology Limited
Note: Each period time should set by start time, end time, interval. Max allow 3 periods.
The value of work day, hour, minute as following:
Work day:
(one digit, 0-8)
0 means everyday;
8 means from Monday to Friday;
1 means Monday;
2 means Tuesday;
3 means Wednesday;
4 means Thursday;
5 means Friday;
6 means Saturday;
7 means Sunday.
Start time-end time: (4 digits, 24 hours, such as 0000 means 00 hour 00 minute, 2359 means
23 hour 59 minute).
Interval time: (1-3 digits, 1-480, means sending MMS image interval, the unit is minute) 1-480
minutes interval.
If parameter wrong, camera will reply “Wrong parameter, please check and try again”.
Disable timing send MMS image
Master or family send following SMS command to disable this function:
After successful set, camera will reply “Timing send MMS image close”.
20. English and Spanish version switch
(Authority: Master)
Our product support English and Spanish language display, you need to send following SMS
command to get the right language you want:
Master send following SMS command to camera:
Spanish version:
After success set, it will reply “Set Spanish version successfully”.
English version:
After success set, it will reply “Set English version successfully”.