Food browns unevenly
Improper heating temperature.
Preheat until desired temperature is reached.
Aluminum foil on rack or oven bottom.
Remove foil.
Several pans crowded together.
Center pans on racks, or leave more space
between all pans and oven walls.
Baking pans too large.
Use smaller pan.
Baking pan dark or glass.
Lower oven temperature 25°F (-3.8°C) for this
type of pan.
Temperature too low
Increase temperature
Time too short
Increase bake time
Food dries before browning
Oven temperature too high
Lower oven temperature
Oven door opened too frequently
Check food a minimum number of times.
Cookies too brown
Oven temperature too high
Lower oven temperature
Dark cookie sheet
Use light, shiny cookie sheet.
Pans too deep
Use a cookie sheet (not a baking pan).
Cookies too flat
Hot cookie sheet
Allow cookie sheet to cool between batches.
Fan is set on High Speed
Set fan to Low Speed
Cake too brown on bottom or crust forms on
Oven temperature too high.
Lower temperature; if using glass or dark pan,
lower 25°F (-3.8°C)
Cakes have light outer color
Thermostat set too low.
Raise temperature
Cake settles slightly in the center.
Bake time too
short or bake
temperature too low.
Bake longer or raise oven temperature slightly.
Do not open doors to oven for long periods.
Cake ripples
Overloading pans or batter is too thin
Reduce pan loads. Thicken batter.
Cakes are too coarse
Thermostat set too high.
Lower oven temperature.
Pies have uneven color
Too many pies per rack.
Reduce number of pies per rack or eliminate
use of bake pans.
Cupcakes crack on top
Thermostat set too high.
Lower oven temperature.
Meats are browned & not done in the center
Thermostat set too high.
Lower oven temperature and roast longer.
Meats are well done and not browned
Thermostat set too low.
Raise temperature. Limit amount of moisture.
Meats develop hard crust
Thermostat set too high.
Reduce temperature or place pan of water in
Fan is set on High Speed
Set fan to Low Speed
No heat
Oven has no electrical power
Check electrical supply.
Power switch on control panel is off.
Set the control panel to COOK or OVEN ON.
Doors are open.
Close doors.
Oven does not come to ready.
The oven has not reached preheat
Wait for oven to reach preheat temperature.
Internal problem with main temperature
Call Bakers Pride factory authorized service
Convection fan does not run.
Oven has no electrical power.
Check electrical supply.
Circuit breaker tripped.
Reset the breaker.
Doors are open
Close doors.
Door switch
Call Bakers Pride factory authorized service