Programming Your Application
07-01-08-02-E-V0500 631 Digital Servo Drive
Set-up any other information necessary to your Operating Mode
Select to save your changes to the drive
Included with these pages are instructions on wiring, safety etc. The Speed Loop and
Position Loop Optimization pages will already contain sensible values (loaded from
your motor selection) and should require only fine tuning to your system.
Having chosen an Operating Mode, you then make
selections in the
Input/Output Configuration page. Press the F1 key for context sensitive help about
each input/output.
The Autopilot instructions recommend that the initial set-up is carried out without load. When
the set-up is complete and load is applied, you can optimize the drive’s performance in the
“Tuning” menu.
Data edited in the EASYRIDER software is transmitted to servo drive but not saved. Only
the command STORE ALL DATA (menu COMMAND/STORE ALL DATA) writes the data
into the servo drive’s non-volatile memory. Data stored here is saved during power-down.
Figure 6-1 EASYRIDER Main Screen
BIAS Programming Language
Select BIAS from the menu in the main screen. You can program the drive to perform a set
routine involving up to 1500 lines of code. The BIAS program is used when Operating Mode 5 is
We suggest you practice programming by using and applying the example files (xxx.ASB)
supplied with the software.
The BIAS program can provide a PLC function in Operating Mode 5. This removes the
requirement for an external PLC. This is started using the BIAS Execution Pointer
The BIAS program contains the following command groups:
Organisation commands
- fixing start and end of the main programs and sub-routines
- conditional and unconditional jump commands
Commands relevant to motion
Set/delete commands for outputs and flags
Commands for variables
For more information refer to the BIAS Programming Language manual (UL,10,6,5).