TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
2.0 Installing and Activating DXF
The DXF Converter is optional software that must be purchased from Southwestern Industries. If
you purchased this option with your machine or control, the software should already be installed
and activated. If this is the case, you may skip the rest of this section.
You can tell if your converter is activated by looking at the data in Service Code 318 (Service
Codes are found in the Set Up Mode). Service code 318 will display a list of all available
converters. Active converters are displayed in black letters; inactive converters are displayed in
gray letters.
If the DXF Converter is not on the list at all, call the Southwestern Industries’ Service
If you purchased your DXF Converter separately from your machine or Offline System, you may
have to install software first and then activate the option.
Note: as of January 1, 2005, Offline Software comes with separate programs. One for the
ProtoTRAK VM, VL, SM and SL and one for the ProtoTRAK SMX and SLX. It is necessary to install
the DXF Converter on both of the programs in two separate processes if you want to use the DXF
converter with both programs.
2.1 Installing the DXF Software
For ProtoTRAK Controls:
For the ProtoTRAK VM, VL, SM and SL, version 3.02 or higher is
required for the installation of the DXF software. You may visit our web site at
and go to “Support”, and then “Software Downloads” for the
latest version of software. All ProtoTRAK SMX, SLX, and PMX versions will run with the DXF
When installing the DXF software, make sure to load in the correct version according to your
control. For the ProtoTRAK SM, VM, SL and VL, use the disk with the part number # 23519. For
the SMX and SLX, use the disk with part number # 23519-1. The ProtoTRAK PMX should already
have the DXF software installed in the control.
For ProtoTRAK SM, VM, SL, VL, SMX, or SLX:
To install, place the correct disk into the floppy drive. Press the SYS or Windows key, and then
press the Update Options softkey to begin the process of loading the new software
For ProtoTRAK Offline (all controls):
All current ProtoTRAK offline versions now contain the
DXF software included in the installation (activation will still be required). You can download the
and not need to install any addition software.
To download the DXF software via a USB flash drive, or to obtain the latest version of any DXF
software version, visit our website at
, go to the Software
Downloads section and follow the instructions in order to download the latest software to your
ProtoTRAK control.
2.2 Activating DXF
After the software is loaded, you must activate the key (our way of controlling the use of the
software) with the following procedure:
On your ProtoTRAK control, go to Service Code 318 Activate Converter (Service Codes are
found in the Set Up Mode). Here you should see all active and inactive converters. Inactive
converters will be listed in Gray. If the DXF Converter is not grayed out (i.e., it is black) it is
already activated. Skip the rest of this section and go to 3.0 Loading a DXF part program.
Data Forward to the grayed out DXF Converter option and press Install.