TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
Add Line: Creates a line between existing beginning or end points of a line or arc. Click on one
line or arc at a place nearest to the point to want to use. A red X will confirm the point that is
selected. Next, click on another line or arc. The DXF will add a new line between these points you
designated. To remove the line immediately after it is drawn, click the Undo button.
New Point: Creates a line between an existing beginning or end point on the drawing, and a new
point you establish by clicking the mouse. Click on one line or arc at a place nearest to the point
to want to use. A red X will confirm the point that is selected. Next, click wherever you want the
line to end. The DXF will add a new line between these points you designated. To remove the
line immediately after it is drawn, click the Undo button.
3.6 Converting Geometry into a ProtoTRAK Part Program
Now that the ProtoTRAK has the geometry and absolute reference for the part, programming is
just a matter of selecting the events. With the ProtoTRAK DXF Converter, you have total control
over how the part is made - just like regular ProtoTRAK programming.
The basic steps are:
Pick the event type.
Pick the geometry on the drawing. This will load the dimensions from the drawing into
the event type you choose.
Fill in the rest of the prompts to complete the event.
FIGURE 3.6 The Drill event has been selected and now it is a matter of clicking on each circle to
load in its geometry.
3.6.1 Event Types
. Allows the conversion of any circle into a Drill event. All the same sized drills
should be picked at the same time.
Allows the conversion of any straight line into a Mill event. Click on the end of the
line where you want to establish the beginning point (X Beg, Y Beg).
. Allows the conversion of any arc in the drawing into an Arc event. Click on the
end on the arc where you want to establish the beginning point (X Beg, Y Beg).
. Allows the conversion of any connecting lines and arcs into a Profile event.
When selecting a profile event, the first line clicked determines where the profile
starts and the second line clicked determines the direction of the profile. Each line or
arc segment in the profile must be connected to each other but the profile may be