TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
This choice also allows the use of the intersection of two lines that meet off of the given
geometry. If this is the case, you will not be able to see the red x where the new
absolute zero reference is set.
4.5.3 Choice B: Closest Endpoint of Line or Arc
This allows you to the use an end point of a line or an arc. Click on a line or arc close to
the end point to be used as the absolute zero reference. Circles cannot be used with this
4.5.4 Choice C: Closest Midpoint of Line or Arc
This allows you to use the midpoint of a line or arc as the absolute reference point by
simply clicking on a line or arc.
FIGURE 4.5.4 For this exercise, our best option is to go with C, Midpoint of line or arc
and click on the line at the very front of the drawing.
Continue: Use the Drawing’s Absolute Zero
If CONTINUE is pressed without selecting an absolute zero reference point with one of
the methods above, then the reference point given in the drawing will be used. This can
be helpful if the CAD programmer used a more appropriate absolute zero reference than
one that can be created with the given choices. However, in most cases, when CAD
drawings are created, the absolute zero reference is usually in one of the corners of the
drawing which does not make the best ABS 0 reference point for machining purposes.
This last option is not available if the drawing has been rotated (like in the example
above). If you rotate the drawing and press continue without selecting an alternate ABS
0 reference point, you will receive the following error message. Press Resume, you will
be return to the ABS 0 selection screen where you can select a reference point.
Figure 4.5.5 Error message received when the drawing has been rotated and no
alternate ABS 0 reference has been selected.