TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
While still in the DXF Converter, click on Event.
End the DXF Converter and go into Program mode.
Both ways provide you with the familiar, prompted interface of the ProtoTRAK, but we
recommend that you choose the first way
stay in the DXF Converter and click the Event
We have noticed that when we use the DXF Converter with large programs, we find that
answering the prompts right away makes it a bit easier to keep things straight. Defining
the event in its entirety before moving to the next event makes it unnecessary to
remember event numbers later on.
4.9 Sample Exercise
Open the program named DXFLatheSample1.dxf that is located on the C drive in the ProtoTRAK
CNC in the directory: C:\PT4\DXF Samples\Lathe Samples. For the Offline program, the program
is in the drive you specified when you installed the ProtoTRAK Offline on your computer.
Hide all the layers until only the needed geometry is visible, press continue.
Press Yes at the Gap Tolerance screen to enter the default gap tolerance value.
Press the Rotate 90 Deg button three times to get the drawing in the proper orientation.