TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
FIGURE 4.5.1 We will have to press the Rotate button a total of 3 times to get the
drawing in the correct orientation.
FIGURE 4.5.2 The drawing after it has been rotated to the correct orientation.
The drawing file you converted has its own reference point, but that may not be the
most convenient one for programming. The screen you encounter after setting the gap
tolerance will allow you to select your own Absolute zero reference. The DXF Converter
provides three choices for choosing the Absolute zero reference point that are described
4.5.2 Choice A: Intersection of Two Lines or Arcs
This allows you to use intersecting points, like corners, as the absolute zero reference.
The intersecting points can be taken from two lines, two arcs, or a combination of a line
and an arc. Circles cannot be used with this choice.
To make an intersection the absolute reference, select choice A, then click on the two
pieces of geometry that will intersect at the point you want to use. After you click on the
second piece of geometry, a red x will appear to show you where the absolute zero is
now set.