Monitoring local power
The status of the local regulator on the CA-92 board is monitored to check the board power for any abnormality.
FP-255 Board (XVS-8000/XVS-7000/XVS-6000)
The FP-255 board indicates the XVS-8000/XVS-7000/XVS-6000 status. This board contains 25 LEDs and is connected
to the CN-3825 board.
Lighting of these LEDs is controlled by the CENTER signal from the CA-92 board. These LEDs can be always turned
OFF by the switch on the CN-3825 board.
FP-301 Board (XVS-9000)
The FP-301 board displays the XVS-9000 status. This board contains 25 LEDs and is connected to the MB-1249 board
through the HN-442 board.
Lighting of these LEDs is controlled by the CENTER signal output from the CA-92 board. These LEDs can be always
turned OFF by the switch on the CN-4018 board.
CN-3807 Board (XVS-8000/XVS-7000/XVS-6000)
The CN-3807 board is a external interface board mounted on the rear of this unit.
This board is provided with the Gigabit Ethernet signal connector to be connected to the CA-92 board and the reference
signal buffer circuit.
CN-3825 Board (XVS-8000/XVS-7000/XVS-6000) and CN-3826 Board
The CN-3825 board relays signals among the power switch, FP-255 board, and CN-3826 board. The CN-3825 board
also gen5 V from +12 V supplied from the CN-3826 board and su5 V power to the FP-255 board. The
switch (S001) can be set to turn OFF the LEDs on the FP-255 board.
The CN-3826 board relays signals between the MB-1223/MB-1233/MB-1234 board and the CN-3825 board. The
CN-3826 board also sets the INHIBIT terminal and the ID terminal on the power supply unit.
CN-4018 Board (XVS-9000), CN-4019 Board (XVS-9000)
The CN-4018 board relays signals between the power switch and the CN-4019 board. The LEDs on the FP-301 board
can be always turned OFF by the switch (S001) on this board.
The CN-4019 board relays signals between the CN-4018 board and the MB-1249 board. The CN-4019 board also sets
the INHIBIT terminal and the ID terminal on the power supply unit.
CN-4020 Board (XVS-9000)
The CN-4020 board is an external interface board mounted on the rear of this unit.
This board contains the Gigabit Ethernet signal connector to be connected to the CA-92/CA-92A board, the reference
signal buffer circuit, and the GPI input/output circuit.
The Gigabit Ethernet signal and the GPI Input Output signal are connected to the CA-92 board.
The reference signal is distributed to the CA-92 board and the CA-92A board by the buffer circuit.