If you selected the "WEP" check box, enter an encryption key in this text box.
"Confirm k e y"
Re-enter the encryption key.
If you select ".11b Channels" or ".11a Channels", you can select the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channels (respectively) on the "Channel" list.
You can only select ".11b Channels" and ".11a Channels" w hen using a PCWA-C700.
"Eas y Se tting" button
Changes the display to the Easy Setting display.
Othe r buttons
"Conne ct" button
Saves any settings that you configured and connects to the w ireless netw ork.
"Save " button
Saves any settings that you configured. No attempt is made to connect to a w ireless netw ork.
"Cance l" button
Closes the dialog box w ithout applying any settings or connecting to a w ireless netw ork.
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