Registering a network
Before connection, you must register the connected netw ork. You can register several netw orks to the Wireless Panel softw are, such as your office or personal
netw ork, or other public w ireless netw ork, making it easy to connect anyw here, anytime.
The registration procedure differs according to your operating system. Follow the link corresponding to your operating system.
Window s 2000 operating system
Window s XP operating system
Window s XP operating system w hen connecting to an IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA-PSK-compliant access point
You can register a combination of up to 32 access point netw orks and peer-to-peer netw orks.
Available security methods depend on your Wireless LAN PC Card.
If you are using a PCWA-C700, you can only use the IEEE 802.1X security method.
If you are using a PCWA-C800S and/or PCWA-C300S, you can use the IEEE 802.1X, WPA, and WPA-PSK security methods.
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