4.2.3 Default Screen/Screen Saver
During the UPS operating process, if there are no active alarms, the LCD will go into a screen saver mode after 2 minutes
of no user navigation activity� The default screen saver is shown in
Figure 55
� After a brief delay, the LCD backlight will
also turn Off� Pressing any button will return to the original screen�
Figure 55: Default screen/screen saver
4.3 LCD Screen Views
This section gives a detailed description of each display screen and its contents� The default “main screen” is the Output
menu and its data� The navigation indicated for each screen below is in reference to the Output screen�
4.3.1 AC Mains Screen
From the main screen, press the F3 button twice, until the AC mains screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 56�
Figure 56: Mains screen
The AC mains screen displays the input L-N voltage, L-N current, input frequency, L-L voltage, apparent power and power
factor of three phases (L1, L2, L3)�
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