1.5.6 Charger Module
Figure 11
shows the charger module�
Figure 11: Appearance of the charger module
In AC mains mode, the charger module charges the system battery modules or external battery cabinet� Each charger
module is rated to deliver 10A charging current� The charger module has an independent control function and maintains
real-time communication with the system and the battery modules to ensure stable charging and fault protection�
The charger module may be added or replaced on-line with no interruption or danger to the user, connected battery
system or connected equipment�
1.5.7 External Battery Cabinet (EBC)
The external battery cabinet is divided into nine rows: the upper seven rows are for use with the intelligent battery
modules, and the lower two are used for overcurrent protection for each battery cabinet� For normal operation, two
battery modules must be inserted in the same row of the frame to create a complete string� The battery module strings
work in parallel to provide longer backup time for the UPS� A SolaHD S5KC can be configured with, at most, four external
battery cabinets� An external battery cabinet is shown in
Figure 12.
Figure 12: External battery cabinet
Green Status LED
Yellow Fault LED
EBC Breaker
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