-Solis VIP Pump
p. 43
Alarm / Message
Description / Corrective Action
Pump does not have a
protocol library.
The pump had a protocol library the last time it was powered
on, but now it does not. This may happen if the pump was
manually reverted to the factory default, recently had a
software update, or if an attempt to install a protocol library
failed. Select Acknowledge to clear the alarm and contact
the CADD
-Solis system administrator to download a new
protocol library.
Pump settings and
patient data lost.
The pump reverted to the factory default. The pump was
either manually reverted to this default, recently had a
software update, or has not been in use for some time. Select
Acknowledge to clear the alarm and contact the CADD
system administrator to reprogram the pump.
Pump stopped by an
alarm that has since
The pump was stopped by another high priority alarm. That
alarm was not acknowledged, but the problem has since
cleared. Select Acknowledge to clear the alarm and if
appropriate, restart the pump.
The event log recorded the alarm that stopped the pump. For
information on accessing the event log, see page 32.
Reservoir volume is
zero. Pump stopped.
The reservoir volume is 0.0 mL. The pump was delivering, but is
now stopped and will not run. Select Acknowledge to clear the
alarm. Attach a new reservoir, and reset or edit the value of the
reservoir volume, if appropriate.
Reservoir volume low.
Medium: The programmed reservoir volume trip point has
been reached, indicating the level of fluid in the reservoir is low.
Select Acknowledge to clear the alarm.
Low: The programmed reservoir volume trip point has been
reached, indicating the level of fluid in the reservoir is low.
Select Acknowledge to clear the alarm, or the alarm will
automatically clear after 5 seconds.
Prepare to install a new reservoir, and reset or edit the value of
the reservoir volume, if appropriate.
Upstream occlusion.
Clear occlusion between
pump and reservoir.
Fluid is not flowing from the fluid container to the pump, which
may be due to a kink, closed clamp, or air bubble in the tubing
between the fluid container and pump. Delivery is paused
and will resume if the occlusion is removed. Remove the
obstruction to resume operation. The alarm will clear when
the occlusion is removed. You must acknowledge this alarm
after it clears if it has occurred and cleared more than 3 times
within 15 minutes.
NOTE: This alarm has associated help screens.