-Solis VIP Pump
p. 11
The autolock feature reduces the
chance of unauthorized pump
programming. When the keypad is
unlocked with a security code and left
unlocked, the software automatically
locks the keypad. When the pump is on
the home screen, the autolock feature
takes effect 30 seconds after the last
key press. Autolock takes longer on
programming or task screens when you
typically need more time to perform
an action. Depending on which screen
was on the pump last, and if the pump
is not alarming, it can take up to four
minutes after the last key press before
the pump reverts to the home screen
and autolocks immediately. When the
pump is alarming, autolock does not
take effect.
Note: The keypad can be re-locked by
pushing the right soft key twice
from the home screen or once from
the Tasks or Advanced Tasks menu.
As a recommended safety precaution,
always manually lock the pump using
this feature.
Entering Security Codes
to scroll to the correct
digit. Press Select or Accept Value
to advance to the next digit. Once the
complete code has been entered, press
Select or Accept Value.
If an incorrect code is entered, a wrong
code error appears. Select Retry to
enter the code again.
Note: If you enter a code that you
believe is correct and receive a wrong
code message, check the screen to see
if the code has been customized.
Depending on the level of security
required and how the security settings
have been programmed, you may
be able to use the pump key to unlock
the keypad. To unlock the keypad
with the pump key, turn the
key counterclockwise.