User Manual
GW1160 - GW4060 Series
Page 39 - 75
Residual cycles before maintenance
Indicates, to the nearest ten, the number of cycles left
before the maintenance message appears. The initial default
setting is 900 (e.g. “-9:90”).
The value can be reset by an authorised engineer.
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Power Supply
The parameter indicates whether the connection is:
- single-phase: parameter setting “1”
- three-phase: parameter setting “3”
: the value “3” refers to both 400V 3N~ / 50 Hz and
230V 3~ / 50Hz connections.
: this parameter is only used for the correct setting
of times remaining.
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Memory Data Overwriting
- Overwriting enabled: parameter setting “1”
- Overwriting disabled: parameter setting “0”
The parameter refers to whether or not the device’s internal
memory, which keeps a record of all the cycles performed
and the alarms which have occurred, can be overwritten.
If overwriting is disabled, alarm AF:91 is triggered once the
memory is full. In this case the appliance will not perform
any more cycles until the data from the memory are
downloaded; this can only be done using the WD-TRACE
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Powder dispenser Presence
(Parameter Introduced from the Main Firmware version Parameter for use by authorized technicians only.
This parameter is available only on certain models, where
the detergent dispenser DD is installed on the inner door. It
can assume the following values:
"-C: dd", it means presence and activation of the dispenser
powder (DD), it is neglected the dosage set by parameter
P1: "Set -1".
"-C: P1" for the presence of the peristaltic pump P1. The
dosage of the detergent is determined by the value assigned
to the parameter "Set -1".
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Test cycle
(Parameter Introduced from the Main Firmware version The parameter can be used by authorized
technicians only; it allows the display and the start of a Test
program, on the display "
Pr t
". This test program performs a
short washing cycle and activates all the loads of the device.
The cycle is defined to be used for machine verification after
components replacement.
- Parameter value "--", you do not have access to the cycle
Pr t
- Parameter Value "on", the technician gets access to the
Test Program "Pr t".
In order not to run the Test cycle "
Pr t
": switch Off the
device to reset its condition.
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In the following pictures some examples of "
" parameters are featured.