User Manual
GW1160 - GW4060 Series
Page 2 - 75
This manual is an integral part of the appliance.
Take good care of it and keep it to hand throughout the appliance’s life cycle.
This manual and all the information it contains must be read carefully before using the appliance.
Failure to read, misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of the instructions provided in this manual may lead to
misuse of the appliance, put the operator at risk and considerably reduce the appliance’s performance.
Installation, maintenance and any repairs must be carried out by authorised technical staff.
Repairs of the appliance performed by unauthorised staff may put the user's safety at risk, and
void the warranty cover.
Any components must always be replaced with genuine Smeg spare parts.
The use of the device in breach of the instructions provided by the manufacturer may jeopardise
the specified protection level (safety of the appliance) and the warranty cover for it (see point 5.4.4
of IEC 61010-1:2001).
The manufacturer declines any liability for uses other than those described in this manual.
Consumables (detergents, air filters, thermal printer paper, etc.) are not covered by the
warranty, except for any manufacturing defects.
The Warranty does not cover any parts found to be faulty due to negligent or careless use,
improper use, failure to comply with the appliance’s operating instructions, incorrect installation
or maintenance, maintenance or repairs performed by unauthorised staff or made with non-
genuine parts, damage during transport, or any circumstances in which the appliance’s defects
cannot be traced back to manufacturing faults. Any work relating to installation and connection to
the intake and drain systems, and the maintenance work described in the operator’s manuals, are
also excluded from the Warranty.
Any accessories may not be installed on the appliance by the user; this must be done by Smeg
authorised technical staff.
To request technical documentation relating to accessories from Smeg:
(ref. 5.4.4.c IEC61010-2-040:2005)
The information in this manual is provided for guidance only. The contents and the equipment described may be
subject to change without notice.
19 390 4274 00
Manual Ed.