User Manual
GW1160 - GW4060 Series
Page 20 - 75
2 - Symbols associated to a washing cycle parameter
When the LEDs listed below light up, the value shown on the display is a parameter of the
washing cycle in progress or being selected.
When the cycle has not yet started: pressing the
button displays the cycle parameters.
When the operating cycle is in progress: pressing the
button displays the value reached
by the parameter associated to the LED.
A0, thermal disinfection
With cycle running
: The LED is on when the digits in the middle of the screen show the A0 value
With appliance in standby
: when the LED is on the digits in the middle of the screen show the A0
value associated to the cycle being selected.
Parameter calculation and display are only enabled if the cycle has a thermal disinfection phase with
temperature of at least 80°C.
With cycle running
: The LED lights up when the display shows the temperature in the chamber.
With appliance in standby:
the value on the display shows the max. temperature associated to the
cycle being selected.
Thermal disinfection
Identifies a cycle with thermal disinfection; the LED flashes when a thermal disinfection phase is in
Only for GW4060 series. The LED comes on to identify a cycle with drying phase, even during
selection. The LED flashes when the drying phase is in progress.
Remaining time
With cycle running
: The LED lights up when the display shows the time remaining.
With appliance in standby:
the value on the display shows the estimated time for performance of
the program.
fig. 10 –
button. With the cycle in progress or cycle selected, pressing the
button the screen displays the parameters of the
washing cycle: A0 value, Temperature and Time Remaining.