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5.3.8 Set the parameter of command pulse input form
It is required to set the command input pulse form dependent on the upper unit pulse train when using the Position
control mode (pulse input).
Input form (3 types)
Forward rotation pulse train/Reverse rotation pulse train
Pulse train/ Direction phase pulse train/B-phase pulse train
A-phase pulse train/ B-phase pulse train
Logic (2 types)
Positive logic
Negative logic
Input form (3 pulse types) × positive/negative logic (2 types) = 6 selectable types
In the upper level device (positioning module), there is a parameter which sets the output pulse form (mode). The form
of the upper level device (positioning module) must be made “compatable” with the LECSA. If the forms are not
compatable, the operation will not work correctly. Please be aware that depending on the upper level device
(positioning module), the “command input pulse forms” above may not be available.