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Contact assignment at the amplifier - ve‐
hicles as of MY 09
Contact assignment of the 38-pin plug connection
1 - Terminal 31
2 - Terminal 30
3 - Midrange speaker front right -
4 - Bass speaker front right -
5 - Bass speaker front left +
6 - Midrange speaker front left -
7 - Treble speaker front right -
8 - Treble speaker front left +
9 - Bass speaker rear left +
10 - Bass speaker rear right -
11 - Treble speaker and midrange speaker rear right -
12 - Treble speaker and midrange speaker rear right +
13 - Treble speaker and midrange speaker rear left +
14 - Treble speaker and midrange speaker rear left -
15 - Midrange speaker front right +
16 - Bass speaker front right +
17 - Bass speaker front left -
18 - Midrange speaker front left +
19 - Treble speaker front right +
20 - Treble speaker front left +
21 - Bass speaker rear left -
22 - Bass speaker rear right +
23 - CAN bus Low
24 - not assigned
25 - not assigned
26 - not assigned
27 - Mono 1 left, input -
28 - Mono 2 right, input -
29 - Left stereo, input -
30 - Right stereo, input -
31 - CAN bus High
32 - not assigned
33 - not assigned
34 - not assigned
35 - Mono 1 left, input +
36 - Mono 2 left, input +
37 - Left stereo, input +
Octavia II 2004 ➤ , Octavia II 2010 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 12.2013
Rep. gr.91 - Radio, telephone, navigation