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Neither grease nor oil the battery terminals.
The battery pole terminals must only be fitted by hand without
using any force in order to avoid damaging the battery hous‐
Install the battery pole terminals in such a way that the battery
poles are flush with the terminals or protrude.
If both terminals are disconnected, only then disconnect the
battery positive pole terminal (+).
The tightening torque is the same for all shapes of pole termi‐
nals (6 Nm).
After connecting the battery and switching on the ignition, the
warning light for the stability program TCS/ESP and the warn‐
ing light for the power-assisted steering remain lit. The warning
lights go out automatically after driving a few metres forward.
Thereby the steering angle sender - G85- is activated again.
– Switch off all electrical components and take out the ignition
Vehicles with battery monitoring control unit - J367- (with start-
stop system)
– Disconnect the plug -3- from the control unit -2- before con‐
necting to the battery.
– Fit pole terminal (-) with control unit onto the “-” pol of the bat‐
tery, see fig., and tighten the fixing nut -1- (6 Nm).
– Fit the plug -3- again onto the control unit.
Vehicles without battery monitoring control unit - J367-
– Fit battery pole terminal of earth line onto negative terminal of
battery and tighten the nut -arrow- (6 Nm).
Continued for all vehicles:
When the battery is reconnected, perform the following opera‐
tions depending on the vehicle equipment:
♦ Set clock.
♦ Check the power windows ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet Octavia
II .
♦ Radio/navigation with anti-theft coding (not valid for radio sys‐
tems/navigation systems assembled at the factory, see
⇒ page 30
) ⇒ operating manual of the radio system/navi‐
gation system .
♦ Connect the ⇒ Vehicle diagnostic tester, query the event mem‐
ory and delete any event memory entries.
Octavia II 2004 ➤ , Octavia II 2010 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 12.2013
Rep. gr.27 - Starter, current supply, CCS