Figure 6.3. Poor layout designs for the BGM11S
Layout checklist for BGM11S:
1. Antenna area is aligned relative to the module pads as shown in the recommended PCB land pattern
2. Clearance area within the inner layers and bottom layer is covering the whole antenna area as shown in the layoyt guidelines
3. The antenna loop is implemented on top layer as shown in the layoyt guidelines
4. All dimensions within the antenna area are precisely as shown in the recommended PCB land pattern
5. The module is placed to the edge of the PCB with max 1mm intendation
6. The mdoule is not placed to the corner of the PCB
6.2 Effect of PCB Width
The BGM11S module should be placed at the center of the PCB edge because the width of the board has an impact to the radiated
efficiency but more importantly there should be enough ground plane on both sides of the module for optimal antenna performance.
The figure below gives an indcation of ground plane size vs. maximum achievable range.
Figure 6.4. BGM11S PCB top layer design
The impact of the board size to the radiated performance is a generic feature of all PCB and chip antennas and it is not a unique fea-
ture of BGM11S. In case of BGM11S the depth of the board is not important and it doesn’t impact the radiated performance.
BGM11S Blue Gecko
SiP Module Data Sheet
Layout Guidelines
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