Rev 2.0 | SC5309A & SC5310A
Hardware Manual
SignalCore, Inc.
SC5309A & SC5310A Hardware Manual
Writing to the Device
Bytes that are written to the device must go through the bridge chip. In this section, we will first
look at the write cycle of each byte, and then the write cycle of each device register. Do note the
difference between the bridge register addresses and the device register addresses.
Single Byte Write
The serial transfer buffer register address is located at 0x100 offset from BAR0 of the bridge chip,
however, before writing byte data to this register, its status needs to be checked to confirm that
it is ready to accept a new buffer set of bytes. The status register is located at 0x05; it must be
read and bit 7 must be high to indicate that the transfer register is ready to receive the next byte
buffer. Checking the status register of the serial bridge chip is required before every new
command write.
Device Register Write
The process of writing the device registers is the same as writing an RS232 port, so the description
of Section 5.4.1 Writing to the Device Via RS232 is applicable. Writing the device registers involves
sending byte-by-byte data as described previously. Section 4.1 Configuration Registers provides
information on the number of configuration write bytes needed for each device register. The first
byte sent is the device register address, followed by the most significant byte o
f the register’s
associated data. When a device register is fully written, that is, all its data has been sent to the
device, it will return 1 byte. This returned byte must be read (by the host) to clear the transfer
buffer so that later received data are not corrupted. Section Single Byte Read describes
how a byte read cycle is performed.
Reading from the Device
Device data is passed back to the host via the bridge chip byte-by-byte. Details about a single byte
read process and an entire register read process are explained in the following subsections.
Single Byte Read
The serial transfer buffer register address is located at 0x00 offset from BAR0 of the bridge chip.
Before valid data can be read from the transfer register, its ready status must first be confirmed.
The status register is located at 0x05; it must be read and bit 0 must be high to indicate that valid
data is available. Checking the status register for available data is required before every byte read.
Device Register Read
After a write request to the device is made, 8 bytes of data is available to be read back. Use the
single byte read process, as mentioned previously, to read all the bytes. See Section 4.2 for
information of the exact number of request write bytes and the number of request read bytes,
which is 8. All 8 bytes must be read to fully clear the transfer buffer; the first byte read is the most
significant byte.