Programming Example for Standard Function Blocks
9.5 Installation, Error Messages
CP 341 Point-to-Point Communication, Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2008, A5E02191071-01
Installation, Error Messages
Scope of supply and installation
The programming example of the CP 341, together with the CP 341: Point-to-Point
Communication, Parameter Assignment parameter assignment interface and the function
blocks is located on the CD supplied with the module.
The program example is installed together with the parameter assignment interface.
Following installation, you will find the program example in the project:
Open the project in the STEP 7 SIMATIC Manager by selecting File > Open > Project.
The sample program is available as a compiled program and as an ASCII source file. A list
of all the symbols used in the example is also included.
If there is no second CP 341 available to serve as a communication partner, you have to
delete the CP 341 in HW Config by selecting Edit > Delete. In addition, in OB 1 the FC 22
call (FC for receive) must be commented out.
Loading to the CPU
The hardware for the example is completely set up and the programming device is
After resetting the CPU memory (STOP operating mode), transfer the entire example to the
user memory. Then switch the mode selector from STOP to RUN.
Error behavior
If an error occurs during startup, the cyclically processed block call commands will not be
executed and the error LED will be set.
In the event of an error message, the ERROR parameter output of the blocks is set. A more
detailed description of the error is then stored in the STATUS parameter of the blocks. If the
STATUS parameter contains either the 16#1E0E or the 16#1E0F error message, the more
detailed description will be stored in the SFCERR variable in the instance DB.