CP 341 Point-to-Point Communication, Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2008, A5E02191071-01
Cycle time
The cycle time is the time that the CPU requires to process the user program once.
Cyclic program processing
In cyclic program processing the user program runs in program loop, or cycle, that is
constantly repeated.
Data block (DB)
Data blocks are blocks that contain data and parameters with which the user program works.
Unlike all other blocks, they do not contain any instructions. There are global data blocks and
instance data blocks. The data contained in the data blocks can be accessed absolutely or
symbolically. Complex data can be stored in structured form.
Data type
With the help of the data types you can specify how the value of a variable or constant in the
user program is to be used. The data types are divided into elementary and structured data
Default setting
The default setting is a reasonable basic setting that can be used whenever no other value is
Diagnostic buffer
Each CPU has its own diagnostic buffer, in which detailed information on all the diagnostic
events are entered in the sequence in which they occur.
The CP 341 has its own diagnostic buffer in which all the diagnostic events of the CP 341
are entered (hardware / firmware errors, initialization / parameterization errors, sending and
receiving errors).
Diagnostic events
Diagnostic events are such as module errors, system errors in the CPU which may be
caused by a program error or transitions from one operating mode to another.
Diagnostic functions
The diagnostic functions cover the entire system diagnostics and include the recognition,
interpretation and reporting of errors within the Programmable Controller.
Downloading from the programming device
Downloading of load objects (e.g. code blocks) from the programming device into the load
memory of the central processing unit (CPU).