Communication via Function Blocks
6.2 Using function blocks
CP 341 Point-to-Point Communication, Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2008, A5E02191071-01
Using function blocks
The following sections describe the factors to be considered when assigning parameters for
the function blocks.
STATUS Indicator on the FB
Note the following regarding the STATUS indicator on the function blocks:
The DONE, NDR, ERROR, and STATUS parameters are valid for only one block cycle. To
display the STATUS, you should therefore copy it to a free data area.
DONE = '1' means that the request was completed without error.
In other words:
When using the ASCII driver: Request was sent to the communication partner. It is not
ensured that all data were received by the communication partner.
When using the 3964(R) procedure: Request was sent to the communication partner and
positive acknowledgement was returned. It is not ensured that the data were also passed
onto the partner CPU.
With RK 512 computer link: Request was sent to the communication partner, which
forwarded it without error to the partner CPU.