CP 341 Point-to-Point Communication, Installation and Parameter Assignment
Manual, 09/2008, A5E02191071-01
Programming Example for Standard Function Blocks
General Information
The programming example given here and included in the zXX21_01_PtP_Com_CP34x
project describes standard functions for operating the CP 341 communications processor.
The programming example
aims to show examples of the most important functions
enables the correct functioning of the connected hardware to be checked (and is
therefore simple and easy to follow)
can easily be extended for your own purposes.
The example shows how an 3964(R)/ASCII connection or an RK 512 computer link to a
communications partner can be configured using the standard function blocks
P_SND_RK and P_RCV_RK (to send and receive data respectively).
The example also shows how the inputs and outputs of the CP 341 can be controlled and
monitored using the V24_STAT and V24_SET standard functions.
There are three SIMATIC stations in the example because the CP 341 has to be assigned
parameters differently for data transfer:
CP341 protocol 3964: Coupling with FB P_SND_RK and FB P_RCV_RK
CP341 protocol RK512: Coupling with FB P_SND_RK and FB P_RCV_RK
CP341 V24: Read and control RS 232C secondary signals with FC V24_STAT and FC
Note that the "CP340 PTP Connection" (point-to-point) and "CP340 Printing and V24"
stations contain the examples for the CP 340.
The CP 341 is assigned parameters by the CPU when the latter is started up (system
The example can be executed with the minimum hardware equipment. The STEP 7 function
monitor/modify variables is also used (e.g. to modify transmitted data).
Program example
The programming example of the CP 341, together with the programming interface and the
function blocks, is supplied on the installation CD which come with this manual.
It is available both compiled and as an ASCII source file. A list of all the symbols used in the
example is also included.