Configuring with Web Based Management
6.6 "Interfaces" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
CL M-Signal [dBm]
If the client has an iPCF-MC connection, the user signal of the management channel is
Roaming Counter
The roaming counter shows how often the client has changed access points during the
recording. After 4 294 967 295 changes the counter is reset.
Operative Channel
The current channel or the channel on which the client is connected to the access point
AP System Name
The system name of the access point
The BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification) of the access point.
Connected Stations
Number of clients connected to the access point.
Bidirectional Status
Shows whether the data of the access point are also being recorded.
The table below the graphic contains the following columns:
Shows the WLAN interface to which the information applies. Since a client has a WLAN
interface, there is only ever one row for "WLAN 1" in this table.
Interval [ms]
Specify the time interval between acquiring two measured values in milliseconds. The
first measured value is displayed only after the set time interval has elapsed.
Specify how many measurements should be made.
If you enable the option check mark, the number of measurements is unlimited The
"Samples" box is grayed out . The signal recorder runs until it is stopped manually or the
device is reconfigured.
You can only select this option starting at a time interval ≥ 100 millis
If the recording contains more than 10000 measurements, the last 10000 measurements
are listed in the csv file and the PDF file.
Bidirectional Recording
If you enable the setting the values of the access point as of a time interval of ≥ 10
The setting is supported by access points with the following versions: SCALANCE W700
11n > V6.1 and SCALANCE W1700 11ac > V1.0.