Configuring with Web Based Management
6.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
Login Authentication
You configure the setting in "Security > AAA > General".
The authentication must be made locally on the device.
The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server.
Local and RADIUS
The authentication is possible both with the users that exist on the device (user name
and password) and via a RADIUS server.
The user is first searched for in the local database. If the user does not exist there, a
RADIUS query is sent.
RADIUS and fallback local
The authentication must be handled via a RADIUS server.
A local authentication is performed only when the RADIUS server cannot be reached
in the network.
Password Policy
Shows which password policy is currently being used.
Local and external user accounts
You configure local user accounts and roles in "Security > User Accounts"
When you create a local user account an external user account is generated automatically.
Local user accounts involve users each with a password for logging in on the device.
In the table "External User Accounts" a user is linked to a role. In this example the user
"Observer" is linked to the "user" role. The user is defined on a RADIUS server. The roll is
defined locally on the device. When a RADIUS server authenticates a user, the
corresponding group however is unknown or does not exist, the device checks whether or
not there is an entry for the user in the table "External User Accounts". If an entry exists, the
user is logged in with the rights of the associated role. If the corresponding group is known
on the device, both tables are evaluated. The user is assigned the role with the higher rights.
The table "External User Accounts" is only evaluated if you have set "SiemensVSA" in the
RADIUS Authorization Mode".
With CLI you can access external user accounts.