Configuring with Web Based Management
6.6 "Interfaces" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
The table has the following columns:
Shows the available WLAN interfaces.
Shows the WDS interfaces.
Port enabled
Enables the WDS interface.
Connection over
Specify the VAP interface via which the WDS connection is established. Both the MAC
address of the VAP as well as security settings for example WPA2 used.
Partner ID Type
Specify the type of WDS communication.
MAC Address
The MAC address is used. The "Partner WDS ID" input box is grayed out. For "Partner
MAC", enter the MAC address of the WDS partner.
The WDS ID is used. The "Partner MAC" input box is grayed out. For "Partner WDS
ID" enter the WDS ID od the WDS partner. Use this option if you want to replace the
access point later using the C-PLUG or KEY-PLUG.
Partner MAC
Enter the MAC address of the WDS partner.
Partner WDS ID
Enter the WDS ID of the WDS partner. For the WDS ID, the ASCII characters 0x20 to
0x7e are permitted.
Matching security settings in WDS mode
In WDS mode, make sure that the security settings match up for all devices involved. If
settings are incorrect or not compatible on the individual devices, no data exchange is
possible due to incorrect authentication. Avoid the setting "Auto" on the basic wizard page
"Security Settings2. With this setting, synchronization of the security settings between the
access points is not possible.