Customising the IEC Interface
Building Technologies
CPS Fire Safety
Note: Do not select the Power Supply Supervision option for the onboard
inputs even if the signals are used for this supervision purpose. Instead, create
the 3 generic inputs and then customise the description texts appropriately.
The Power Supply Supervision configuration option, which globally defines the
input signals, is currently not supported by NK8237.
Configuring the Time Synchronization mode
1. Select the IEC Master node.
2. Select the Host tab.
3. In the Time Synchronization fields, define the required mode:
If the time synchronization is received from the IEC master station, select
the Host enable check box.
If the time synchronization is acquired from the FS20, deselect the Host
enable check box and enter the time of the daily acquisition (HH:MM).
Note: If the NK8237 NTP Service is enabled in the NK83x Node tab, the time is
always acquired from the NTP server.
IEC addresses
The address parameters include:
Device Slave Address
Defines the IEC Host slave addresses of the fire units mapped. Only connection
from IEC Host configured is available.
Device Base Address
Defines the base address of the data tables that collect the fire system status in the
following address values: IEC ASDU1, ASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3.
For detailed information about these tables, see the
NK8237 IEC 60870-5-104 GW
Interface Specifications
guide (document no. A6V10741020).
IEC address configuration procedures
Configuring the device address
1. Select the IEC Master node.
2. Select the Host tab.
3. In the Device Slave Address section, modify the IEC Slave Address values
(ASDU1, ASDU2, and IOA1) as needed. Make sure to define a consistent
address scheme and avoid any conflicts.