Configuring the Fire network
Building Technologies
CPS Fire Safety
Remote BBMD Port Number (must match the UDP port configuration
configured in the unit acting as BBMD; default value is 47808 or BAC0
Time-To-Live (default is 1800, 0 means permanent; in general, it must not
be changed).
9. If the NK823x acts as BBMD, you must configure the BBMD settings in the
NS8011 BACnet Driver node:
Press the BBMD Configuration button. The BBMD window displays and is
organised in two tables.
In the upper table, set the required BBMD role of the NK823x components
(maximum one per subnet): enable the check box on the right.
In the lower part, add the corresponding routing partner(s) in the other
FS20 BACnet connection to NK823x
All FC20/FC720 fire panels must be linked to the NK823x IEC Gateway. Proceed
as follows:
1. Select and expand the NK823x Ethernet node to display the BACnet Client
2. Select the node of the first FC20xx/FC72x panel.
3. Drag-and-drop the selection to the BACnet Client Protocol node.
A new node appears in the tree under the protocol representing the link.
4. Repeat the last two steps for all the panels of the fire system.
If several stations must be linked to the network driver, you can profit of the
Composer grid mode and link all the stations in one shot. Just proceed as follows:
1. Expand the NK823x Ethernet node to display the BACnet Client Protocol.
2. Select the FS20/FS720 system node.
3. Select the Children tab.
The list of the stations displays.
4. Select all the stations: click the first FC20xx/FC72x icon (in the first column,
see the figure that follows), then press the SHIFT key and click the last icon in
the list. Alternatively, you can also select one icon after the other keeping
CTRL key pressed.
5. Keeping the SHIFT or CTRL key pressed, drag-and-drop the selected list to the
Network Driver. Note that you may wait a little while before a link icon shows up
on the destination node.