3 D D R I V E R A S S I S TA N C E S Y S T E M | V I S I O N A R Y - B
8022960/ 2018-07-16| SICK AG
Subject to change without notice
8 6
13. Enter the values relating to the position and alignment of the sensor. The coor-
dinates can be found in the top left-hand corner on the vehicle. To confirm the
changes on the camera angle, the Lock-Button has to be pressed.
Flipped view
Provides a mirror image of the sensor head on the
HMI display
Installation angle of the sensor head in relation to
the horizontal
Mounting height of the sensor head (in relation to
the center of the lenses)
Location and positioning
X = distance to the left-hand edge of the vehicle
Y = distance to the front edge of the vehicle
Slide control = alignment of the sensor head in
degrees (0°: forwards, 90°: left, 180°: backwards,
270°: right)
Alarm performance dependent on the gear selected.
Activated means that an alarm will be triggered if
the detection zone is breached when this gear is
Sharp slopes
Alarm performance dependent on sharp slopes.
Active: Improves detection if the territory is hilly.
Example configuration with two adjacent alarm zones