If an object is then detected again at sensor pair A (application diagnostic output
Y1 is low), the UE410-SD enters the state
reset required
. The LED RES REQ flashes
at 1 Hz and output Q3 goes to high or pulses synchronously with the LED RES
REQ, depending on its configuration.
In this case, the device can be reset with a reset pushbutton connected at I4.
Safety outputs Q1 and Q2 go to high, LED Q1/2 lights up and output Q3 goes back
to low.
Connection of sensor pair B not possible!
In the operating mode with one sensor pair, the connection of one sensor pair to the
inputs for sensor pair B (I7/I8) is not permitted. If this condition is not
observed and sensor pair B detects an object, this immediately leads to the shutoff of
the safety outputs.
If a signal is detected with a frequency of 10 Hz at at least one of the inputs I7/I8 in
this operating mode, then the LEDs of the affected inputs light up and both safety out‐
puts Q1 and Q2 go to low immediately. No error is generated and LED Q1/2 does not
light up.
Error-free operation can only be reached again if frequency is no longer detected at the
inputs I7 and/or I8 (LED I7/I8 is off).
Behavior when switching on
After switching on, the system runs through an internal self-test. Safety outputs Q1 and
Q2 are low. As soon as the UE410-SD is ready for use, it is checked whether all con‐
nected sensor pairs detect an object.
If this condition is fulfilled, the device goes to the state
reset required
flashes at 1 Hz and output Q3 goes to high or pulses synchronously with the LED RES
REQ, depending on its configuration.
In this case, the device can be reset with a reset pushbutton connected at I4. Safety
outputs Q1 and Q2 go to high, LED Q1/2 lights up and output Q3 goes to low.
Discrepancy error
There are two types of discrepancy errors:
Process for discrepancy time
If a sensor of one sensor pair detects an object and the second sensor takes
longer than 3 s to detect an object, a discrepancy error is triggered.
Simultaneous violation
If a sensor does not detect an object for a brief period (suchas a short switch on/
off), then a discrepancy error is triggered.
This discrepancy error triggered by the simultaneity violation is only indicated if
there is a 10 Hz signal at both sensor inputs. In this case, the associated applica‐
tion diagnostic output (Y1 or Y2) stays on high, the LED RES REQ flashes at
2 Hz and output Q3 either goes to high or it pulsates synchronously with the LED
RES REQ, according to its configuration.
Deleting a discrepancy error
When a discrepancy error occurs, it must first be checked whether all sensors are
mounted properly. Subsequently pressing the reset pushbutton deletes the discrepancy
error. The safety evaluation module is reset automatically and the safety outputs go to
8021417/2018-01-17 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | UE410 Safeguard Detector Box
Subject to change without notice