Setup location
Positioning the sensors
It must be ensured that enough objects are in the magazine to effectively prevent inter‐
The sensors must be positioned so that they trigger the safety function before the
respective quantity of objects is undercut.
Response time
Outputs Q1 and Q2 disconnect within the response time,
When configuring the machine, the response time of the entire system must be taken
into consideration. If interruption is possible when a magazine is empty, the stopping
time of the system must be calculated and the distances to the hazardous points nec‐
essary based on this must be complied with.
The response times of the safety evaluation module and the sensors are taken into
account in these operating instructions,
When calculating the total response time, the following additional influences must be
taken into consideration:
Signal transit time between OSSD and actuator
Actuator stopping/run-down time
Integrating the equipment into the electrical control
If there is a foreign object in the sensor detection zone, this is not detected as an error
during normal operation. The same applies if the sensor becomes detached from its
position due to a mounting error and therefore constantly detects a foreign object, such
the floor. An error of this kind is discovered by a plausibility check.
Restart interlock and reset
The sensors cannot differentiate between an object in the magazine and body parts.
For this reason, the UE410-SD features a restart interlock (manual reset).
Cross-circuit detection
The dual-channel integration of the sensors requires detection or prevention of cross-
circuits between the cables of the sensors to the SICK safety evaluation module. These
two sensors must have separate power supplies and cabling in different rooms.
In order to protect the sensors effectively against overvoltage on the supply cable, the
connection of the +24 V supply voltage for the sensors to output U
of the SICK
UE410-SD safety evaluation module is urgently recommended.
Testing plan
The manufacturer of the machine and the operator must define all required checks.
The definition must be based on the application conditions and the risk assessment
and must be documented in a traceable manner.
When defining the check, please note the following:
Define the type and execution of the check.
Define the frequency of the check.
Notify the machine operators of the check and instruct them accordingly.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | UE410 Safeguard Detector Box
8021417/2018-01-17 | SICK
Subject to change without notice