System limit
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
2 × Safeguard Detector
proximity sensors
safety evaluation module
machine stop
Figure 3: Block diagram of the safety chain and limits of the system
The UE410 Safeguard Detector Box safety system represents the part of the safety
chain that combines the sensors and safety evaluation module. This combination car‐
ries out a partial-safety function. The safety chain can be expanded with additional
logic elements (e.g.,
a higher-level control).
Safety function
The sensors are evaluated by means of a SICK UE410-SD safety evaluation module. If
the system detects that the machine opening is not sufficiently covered by suitable
objects, meaning that an interruption or access to the hazardous point is not reliably
prevented, the accordingly configured outputs of the safety evaluation module are
switched off.
The objects to be detected act as physical guards. They must be selected such that
they carry out their separating function sufficiently and reliably.
The separating function must also be effective during the lapsing of the safety function
response time (e.g.
while hazardous system movements are stopping after the safety
function has been triggered).
The technical process parameters must be set to ensure that enough objects are in the
infeed that they still function as physical guards after the system is switched off by the
Safeguard Detector Box safety system.
This means that the UE410 Safeguard Detector Box safety system must switch off the
system before there is less than the necessary number of objects in the infeed for
maintaining protection. Otherwise, this would mean that the user is at risk.
Safe state
In the safe state, the safe outputs Q1/Q2 are in the OFF state. The machine is and
remains switched off. The safe state is initiated in the following cases:
At least one sensor does not detect an object in the protective field. As a result,
the output of at least one of the sensors is in an OFF state.
The connection between at least one sensor and the SICK safety evaluation mod‐
ule has been interrupted.
The voltage supply of at least one sensor and/or the SICK safety evaluation mod‐
ule has been interrupted.
An error is diagnosed in at least one sensor.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | UE410 Safeguard Detector Box
8021417/2018-01-17 | SICK
Subject to change without notice