8014753/ZVZ7/2018-03-22 • © SICK AG • Subject to change without notice 75
Operating instructions Distance measuring device DL100 Pro – RS-422
RS-422 interface
Reset to factory settings
Protocol setup
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
10.3.6 Examples for command sequences
Example command sequence
with continuous output distance
value on
Protocol setup
Continuous output distance value activation
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Permanently store parameter
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Re-initialization (cold start)
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Then continuous output from the DL100
Example: 5,378.8 mm
Example command sequence with
continuous output distance value
stop and deactivation
Protocol setup
Continuous output distance value stop
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Continuous output distance value deactivation
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Re-initialization (cold start)
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK
Then continuous output from the DL100
To the DL100
From the DL100: OK