2.3 Ambient requirements
This instrument is intended for precision measurement.
Sufficient consideration must be given to
preparing its installation environment as a given level of performance can not be guaranteed if
installation conditions are not met.
Constant temperature of 18 to 28°C (at all times, both day and night)
Please ensure temperature does not fluctuate during the day or night. This will
ensure maintenance of unit precision. Place unit away from direct sunlight and in a
location where it will not come into direct contact with airflows from air conditioners.
Temperature stability:
+ - 1.5° C (Term - less than 1° C / 1 Hour)
+ - 0.5° C (Term - more than 1° C / 1 Hour)
+ - 1.5° C (Term – Rapid change within10minutes cycle )
(Reference) Heat discharge of this instrument: around 2,000 kcal/h
40 to 70% (with no condensation)
Install location
This instrument weighs 900 kg. Install it on a flat floor that can withstand a weight
of 900 kg or more. Ensure that there is around 2.7 m × 1.6 m of space for
installation and that the room can withstand the weight of the instrument. The
position for installation of this instrument must be at least 2.3 m high. Including
space for working, provide a W4 m
D3 m
H2.3 m site.
This instrument uses flammable solvents for auto tuning, and uses large amounts of
nitrogen gas. Therefore, using the instrument in an insufficiently ventilated room
may cause oxygen deficiency. Prepare equipment that provides sufficient ventilation.
Be sure to install duct equipment such as a draft chamber for the exhaust gas from
the rotary pump.
• Install in a room with minimal dust. This instrument uses a high voltage, and
dust may cause electrical discharge, damage or malfunction. A buildup of dust in the
fan also may cause overheating.
• To maintain high performance, install in a room with minimal disturbing
elements such as vibration, electromagnetic wave noise and corrosive gases.
• Be sure to read “Safety Instructions” of the instruction manual before using this
2.4 Required power supply
For safety reasons use a power supply equipped with a ground fault interrupter.
The iMScope TRIO unit uses AC230V, 20A, 50/60Hz (single phase) and AC100 V, 15 A, 50/60 Hz
(single phase). Avoid sharing power source with other equipment.
A cable terminal supplying AC230V to the iMScope TRIO must be connected to a circuit breaker or to
a power outlet using 3-point power plug. (Refer Fig3.)