The SensiCloud Portal
Figure 54: Patient Graph View
Setting the Lung Fluid Threshold per Patient
To set the lung fluid thresholds for a patient:
Click either the View link in the right most column of each patient row or the patient ID
to access Patient Graph View.
You can set the lower and upper thresholds by either dragging the slider handles to the
left or right or by typing the new threshold in the threshold value textbox. The center
of the range is indicated graphically by a green zone. In the event that a reading is
received and it is higher than the upper threshold OR lower than the lower threshold, a
notification for the patient will be triggered. You may change your notification
preferences under ‘My Account’ screen.
Thresholds settings affect triggering of notifications as indications in the patient list as
well as notification messages sent by emails or text messages. The default setting for the
thresholds range is 20%-35%. Note that selecting a wide threshold range will cause
notifications not to be triggered.