Hardware Manual for the PCD2.M5 Series│Document 26/856; Version EN 12│2014-07-24
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
E-display with PCD7.D3100E nano-browser
PCD2.M5_ Classic CPUs and expansion housings
3.19.8 Browse the eDisplay pages on the PC
Browse the setup menu pages on the PC
The setup menu pages (x6) are part and parcel of the PCD2 firmware.
As any web pages, you can browse the setup menu pages on a PC.
Actually the setup menu was compiled with Web-editor 5_14_27, the imaster file is
What’s the drill? Copy the IMasterSaia5_14_27.jar into the flash module PCD7.
Browse setup menu html files in 3 different sizes:
Scale 1:1
→ http:// IPaddress/saiaedsetup.html
Scale 3:1
→ http:// IPaddress/saiaedsetupx3.html
Scale 5:1
→ http:// IPaddress/saiaedsetupVGA.html
(the scale 5:1 allows to display the setup pages in ~ VGA size → 640 x 440 pixels)
→To use this feature, the file
needs to be copied on the
flash module PCD7.R550.
Browse the User project pages on the PC
As any web pages, you can browse your user project on a PC.
- IMASTERSAIAx_xx_xx.JAR is necessary!
Use the same IMasterSaia5_14_27.jar version number as your web-editor version.
If you compile your user project with the Web-editor 5.14.27. you need the IMaster-
Saia5_14_27.jar to browse the project on the PC.
If you compile your user project with a new Web-editor 5.nn.nn version, you need the
IMasterSaia5_nn_nn.jar to browse the project on the PC.
What’s the drill? Copy the IMasterSaia_5_14_27.jar or other into the flash module
PCD7.R550xxx. (The IMasterSaia5_x,xx.jar version must always be corresponding to
the web-editor version)
Use the scalable function of the Web Editor to create scalable html files.
We suggest to use the scale x3 or x5 in order to increase the teq pages with the
same ration as the the setup menu pages (see chapter 7.1)