Hardware Manual for the PCD2.M5 Series│Document 26/856; Version EN 12│2014-07-24
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Memory module PCD3.R600 for flash cards (FCs)
PCD2.M5_ Classic CPUs and expansion housings
standard PC tools. The SBC file system is called SAIANTFS.FFS.
Individual files within SAIANTFS.FFS can be accessed with a software tool for PCs
provided by SBC.
As 10% of the SD card capacity is reserved for the FAT, this extraction PC tool can be
copied there. This allows data stored in the SBC file system to be accessed quickly
on any PC with a standard SD card reader. The SBC PC tool can also make copies of
SAIANTFS.FFS on any drive. Any remaining FAT storage space can be used to save
documentation or for other purposes.
The PCD2.R6000 can be used for PCD2 program backup in the same way as the
PCD7.R500. The PCD2 program backup is written to the file backup.sei in a specified
area and identified as a hidden read-only file in the FAT.
Apart from the SAIANTFS.FFS and backup.sei files, files in the FAT area cannot be
accessed when the SD card is inserted into the PCD2. During formatting, a file is
written to the FAT area containing the properties of the SD card. Data access is faster
with a commercial SD card reader/writer than with a PCD2.