Hardware Manual for the PCD2.M5 Series│Document 26/856; Version EN 12│2014-07-24
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
PCD2.M5xx0 Communication interfaces
232) for connecting programming devices
5.3.2 PGU connection (PORT # 0) (RS-232) as communication interface
5.3.3 PGU connection (PORT # 0) (RS-485) as communication interface
Plug-in interface modules - Slots A1 and A2 ................................................... 5-8
#1 & Port#2 ............................................. 5-8
#1 & Port#2..................................................... 5-10
5.4.3 Current loop with PCD7.F130, Port#1 & Port#2
............................................. 5-11
#1 & Port#2..................................................... 5-13
5.4.5 MP-Bus with PCD7.F180, Port#1 & Port#2
.................................................... 5-15
5.5.1 General remarks on the PCD2.F2xxx
............................................................. 5-16
5.5.4 Port x.0: RS-422 / RS-485 on the modul PCD2.F2100
................................... 5-21
5.5.5 Port x.0: RS-232 on the modul PCD2.F2210 (for modem)
............................. 5-22
5.5.6 Port x.0: Belimo MP-Bus on module PCD2.F2810
......................................... 5-23
Modem module for I/O module socket ............................................................ 5-24
5.7.1 CAN bus, module PCD7.F7400
...................................................................... 5-26
5.7.2 Profibus DP Master, module PCD7.F7500
..................................................... 5-27
6.1.1 Power consumption of PCD2 input/output modules ....................................... 6-5
6.2.2 PCD2.E160/161, 16 digital inputs, ribbon cable connector ............................. 6-9
6.2.3 PCD3.E165/166, 16 digital inputs, cage clamp terminal connectors .............. 6-12
6.4.3 PCD2.A460, 16 digital outputs for 0.5 A each, with ribbon connector ............. 6-24
6.5.1 PCD2.A200, 4 relays with make contacts, with contact protection ................. 6-30
6.5.2 PCD2.A210, 4 relays with break contacts, with contact protection ................. 6-32
6.5.3 PCD2.A220, 6 relays with make contacts, without contact protection ............ 6-34
6.5.4 PCD2.A250, 8 relays with make contacts, without contact protection ............ 6-36
6.5.5 PCD2.A410, 8 digital outputs for 0.5 A each, electrically isolated ................... 6-38