Funcionamento do CB-2002 (Fig.5)
Comando interruptor/comutador
1.000 W
1.800 W
Comando do termóstato
( )
Posição anti-gelo e mínima do termóstato.
( ) Posição máxima do termóstato.
1. Rode o comando do termóstato até à sua posição máxima.
2. Seleccione a potencia 1000 ou 1800 W.
3. Uma vez alcançada a temperatura máxima desejada para o local, rode
lentamente o Comando do termóstato no sentido contrário aos dos ponteiros
do relógio, até que, com um suave “clique” , o aparelho se desliga.
A partir deste momento, o aquecedor ligará e desligará automaticamente,
mantendo constante a temperatura pré-seleccionada.
Com o comutador na posição I ou II a luz piloto permanecerá acesa.
O CB-2002 incorpora um dispositivo anti-gelo que faz com que o aparelho
entre em funcionamento quando a temperatura ambiente desce dos +5º C.
Para accionar tal dispositivo, basta ligar o aparelho à rede eléctrica, colocan-
do o Comando “Interruptor/Comutador” na sua posição I ou II e o Comando
do Termóstato na posição ( ).O aparelho permanecerá desligado, mas se a
temperatura ambiente descer dos + 5 º C., ligar-se-à automaticamente,
mantendo uma temperatura ambiente de +5º C .Este dispositivo é, especial-
mente, benéfico em locais de baixas temperaturas e onde, facilmente, a água
gela nos canos, etc.
Funcionamento do CB-2002T (Fig.6)
Comando interruptor/termóstato
1.000 W
( )
Posição anti-gelo e mínima do termóstato
( ) =
Posição máxima do termóstato
The CB range of bathroom heaters have been manufactured to the rigorous
standards of production quality laid down by the International Quality Standards.
All components have been checked and tested at the end of the manufacturing
Before any installation or connection we would advise that the following
instructions are carefully read and then kept in an accessible area for future
All appliances are supplied in perfect condition and operation. However if
found to be defective the unit should be returned to the supplier in accordance
with ther terms of the S&P guaranttee.
These appliances are supplied as double insulated appliances ( ) and they
can be safely installed within resisdential environments (bathroom, kitchens)
depending upon the suitablity of the intended location. Before installation the
following important precausions should be observed:
- If the appliance is intended to be installed in a bathroom, it must not be
installed where a person could reach any of the switches and controls, when
standing / sitting within the bath or shower or near a wash basin.
- We would reccommend, where possible, that the unit is installed outside the
Zone of protection, as illustrated in Figure (1).
- The appliance must not be sited directly under an electrical connection
socket or similar device.
- Do Not site the appliance by the side of a wall / object constructed from
combustible materials (plastic, wood, curtains etc).
- The appliance must be installed in accordance with the minimum
reccomended distances from other appliances / fixed objects as detailed in
Figure (2).
- Do Not Operate This Appliance With Wet Hands.
- Do Not Cover the appliance with objects which would restrict the flow of air.
- The appliance should always be installed where the the mains electrical
switch socket connection is accessible.
- If the electrical supply cable is found to be damaged then the appliance Must
Not Be Used. The appliance must be returned to an authorised supplier or
repaired by a suiatbly qualified person.