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5.7 P.T.Z Configuration
Set the channel number of decoder, including velocity, data bit, stop bit, checkout and stream control, in serial port
device menu. The values of these items must match the connected serial device. The default values are: 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, none checkout bit and hardware stream control. These data cannot be revised by customer.
5.7.1 Key board central control setting
Select RS485.
Baud rate
Available options are: 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400 and 1200. The selected value must accord with the
protocol and parameters of decoder.
Device Type
Central control keyboard (SX326, optional). The device is applicable when the option accords with
the peripheral device of the recorder and parameters are correct.
: The three items above are serial port device settings. The items below set the relationship between pan/tilt
decoder and channel.
带格式的: 项目符号和编号