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Copy the decoder setting of this channel to another channel. Save and exit.
PTZ Pan/tilt and dome camera setting
select 485 serial port
Baud rate:
select one from 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400 or 1200, which should be consistent with the
communication baud rate of the decoder or uniform speed dome camera. Note: the above parameters
are for settings of all decoders, same parameters must be selected.
select decoder
select the corresponding channel of the DVR controlled by the decoder, or it will lead to
failure of control.
PTZ protocol:
select type of decoder protocol. The following decoder protocols are preset in the
program, including “PANNSONIC”,“LLW”, “PELCO-D”, “PELCO-P”, “LILIN”, “NEON”, “PELCO-D
different protocols can be used for different channels.
PTZ address:
Input the address of the decoder connected to the selected screen. The address ID
must be insistent with the address of the front-end decoder, or it will lead to failure of control. The
address ID is set by user.
PTZ step:
Control the speed parameters when moving the PTZ. The bigger the step length is, the
higher the speed will be.
Preset positions
This parameter is for setting of speed dome camera. The location of the camera, the
focus, aperture and zoom should be preset and memorized, and a number should be used to mark the