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Step five: Press “condition backup”
4.6 Alarm Setting
Two important aspects for alarm function are alert and disalert, controlled by the “alert” key on front panel.
Function of the alert key
: fast activate alarm or disalarm function. This key is double used for alert and disalert.
Authority for alert and disalert:
Alarm function will be operated by authorized user. While it is activated, alert is no
need of PWD, but each disalert is need of PWD. Deafult code: 88888888
Activate and use alert:
The function, such as video mask, video loose or motion detection should be working at this
alert condition. Press “alert” key on front panel, red shield appear on the image. If it is not under alert condition, the
setting parameters will not work.
Disalert the machine to check its condition or parameter. If the machine is in alert status, press “alert”, then
PWD window will popup. Input default code: 88888888, it will disalert. If the machine is recording, even disalert it, it
won’t stop recording unless manually stop it.
Note: While activate alert function and the digital video recorder is at the status of alarm recording, it cannot stop
recording on front panel until disalert it. If it alarm and buzzed, press “clear” key on front panel to clear it.
4.7 Fast copy parameters
There are two colors to indicate “copy” in the menu. The light colored area is the copied content and not in this area is
not copied, such as the light area in video config and record config.
Channel parameter copy:
copy a channel parameter into other channel or all channels, other channel will work the
same way as the former one. Choose a channel in “copy to” and press “copy” button. Then it work. Different channel
parameter can be copied separately.
Parameter save:
All the settings should be saved before stop. Select the “confirm” in video config, the content will be
saved and back to main menu.
带格式的: 项目符号和编号
带格式的: 项目符号和编号