7.5.7 Automatic Error Reset
It is provided with a simplified mode for error reset that.
Starting the Error Reset Procedure
The error-reset procedure is started by pressing both the
“Programming” and “Maintenance” buttons simultaneously
for at least 5 seconds.
A beep signals the procedure start.
Reset Procedure in Absence of Errors
If no failure is present, the display shows the message “Ok
- 0/0”.
The user can go back to the standard mode by pressing
In this way, a quick system check-up by the operator is
also assured: This operation can also be useful to check if
all the DA functions are operating.
Reset Procedure in Presence of Errors
In presence of errors the procedure consists of two phases:
1. Error list;
2. Error removal (attempt to remove).
- Error List
The VM displays a list of detected errors.
The first line of the display indicates the total number of
errors “ ERRORS XX ”.
The second one displays their descriptions on one or more
screens.Such list is made according to the following rules:
The errors relating to spiral motors are grouped, for ex.:
“M 22 23 33 42 43” (possibly on more than one screen
page) with no regard to the error code.
All the remaining errors are displayed on a single screen
page containing their descriptions for ex.: “NO WATER 01”.
The user can pass to the following screen page by pressing
By pressing ENTER again after viewing the last screen, the
user will remove the errors.
- Error Removal (Attempt to remove)
The VM tries, in sequential order, to remove automatically
the errors. During these attempts the display indicates the
error that is being removed (for ex. “Reset M24-E51”;
where M24 identifies the motor to which the error refers
while E51 is the code of the detected error).
In the second line of the display there is a “status bar”: the
bar elements are made by points “.”. At the end of each
attempt the display shows the message Ok/Fail and then
proceeds with the following step.
If, at the end of the sequence, all the errors have been
removed, the reset was successfully carried out; otherwise
- if one or more errors could not be removed
- it proved to be unsuccessful.
Successful Reset
The VM shows the message “ Ok - N/N” with a long
single beep.
N indicates the number of removed errors.
The user can go back to the standard mode by pressing
Unsuccessful Reset
If, at the end of this procedure, at least one error condition
remains unchanged, the display will show the message
“Fail X/N” where X is the number of errors that could not
be removed and N the total number of detected errors.
The message is accompanied by some short beeps.
The user can go back to the standard mode by pressing
Error handling
When the AUTOMATIC RESET is activated, it removes all
the error conditions considered not critical for the correct
functioning of the DA: all the elements included in the
category “Anomalies” can be potentially restored.
Obviously, if the cause of an error is not removed, its
restoration is impossible.
Error categories
Errors are divided in two categories (anomalies and
failures) according to their importance, thus the possibility
to eliminate the cause for which the error occurred.
Anomalies include the errors that can be solved by simply
eliminating the cause, as well as the conditions that require
the operator intervention and that can therefore be
removed only under the operator’s request.
Failures, on the contrary, always require the technical
intervention of qualified personnel.
The following scheme shows the error conditions divided
in both categories.
Operational defects
Automatic reset
Manual reset
Motor switching (code 51)
Eeprom memory (code 16)
Motor overcurrent (code 52)
Timekeeper missing (code 25)
Motor out of control (code 53)
Refrigerator temp. sensor (code 27)
Motor powerdown (code 54)
Frost sensor (code 29)
Motor timeout (code 55)
Position of decimal point (code 31)
7.5.8 Error log
It displays the last 30 errors occurred