Modbus MFU Option Card Installation Manual
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Publication PUB091-003-00_0119
Interface Card (IQ Pro, IQT
Pro, SI Pro, EH Pro and Q)
The ROMpak does not require an additional interface card.
The interface card is profiled and assembled to fit an IQ
Pro, IQT Pro, SI Pro, EH Pro or Q
actuator. For the SI Pro, EH pro and Q, it carries the processor for collecting the data from the
actuator main board and passing this data to the Network Interface card. For the IQ Pro and
IQT Pro it is used simply for physical connection to the main card.
The primary connection to the actuator circuits is by a multi-pin connector on the Interface Card
that, due to its physical shape may only be fitted in the correct polarisation. Internal wiring
harnesses connect to the Interface card for other signals and options within the actuator. The
Interface card is powered from within the actuator.
Fig 5: The Interface Card (SI Pro and EH Pro actuators, Q is similar, see Section 3.2)
Fig 6: The Interface Card (IQ Pro and IQT Pro actuators)